Monday, March 3, 2008

Jesus Christ and Apollo C. Quiboloy

Although there is NO COMPARISON between the Lord and Quiboloy, I put this comparison forward to show that Quiboloy is nothing but a counterfeiter, a charlatan and a con artist.

1. Jesus Christ is the ONLY SON of God. Quiboloy is an ILLEGITIMATE SON OF GOD.

2. Jesus Christ is God (John 1:1-3,14, Philippians 2:6-8). Since there is only ONE GOD it follows that Quiboloy is just a creation of God.

3. Jesus Christ is SINLESS. Quiboloy is sinful (Romans 3:10,11, 23).

4. Jesus Christ DID NOT NEED A SAVIOR -- he is the Savior! Quiboloy needs a savior -- he cannot be a savior.

5. There is only ONE MEDIATOR between God and men -- Christ Jesus. Quiboloy CANNOT MEDIATE BETWEEN GOD AND MAN. Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God.

6. Only ONE DIED ON THE CROSS to purchase our salvation. What has Quiboloy done to save the Gentiles?

7. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). Jesus shed his blood for the sins of the world that's why he is called "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." I wonder when will Quiboloy shed his blood.

8. All of Jesus' prophecies are fulfilled. Many of Quiboloy's predictions did not come to pass.

9. Jesus Christ never got sick. Quiboloy gets sick.

10. Jesus raised the dead. Quiboloy wished he could raise the dead.

11. Jesus walked on water. Quiboloy hope he could.

12. Jesus multiplied bread to feed four and five thousand. Quiboloy buys food.

13. Jesus healed all the sick. Quiboloy is yet to show a real healing in his ministry. Oh yes, he claims a lot but shows none.

14. Jesus hang on the cross. Where is Quiboloy hanging?

15. Jesus died and rose from the dead. I am waiting for Quiboloy to die and resurrect from the dead.

16. It was the Father who declared Jesus as His Son. (Matthew 3:17) Quiboloy declared himself as the son.

17. There were more than 300 prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the coming of Christ. There is none concerning Quiboloy. No matter how he twists Scriptures he cannot apply them to himself. Why? Because the Scripture DOES NOT TALK ABOUT QUIBOLOY -- it talks about Jesus and Jesus alone! (John 5:39)

18. Jesus Christ is the LAST ADAM. Last means last. The first Adam failed that is why everyone (including Quiboloy) is a sinner. The Second Adam succeeded that is why we can be saved and reconciled to God. Where does that put Quiboloy?

19. Everyone who trusts in Jesus will never be put to shame. Everyone who trusts in Quiboloy should be ashamed!

20. Everyone will face the judgment seat of Christ -- including poor Quiboloy.

It was the Lord Jesus himself who said to beware of false prophets for they are wolves in sheep's clothing! (Matthew 7:15)
Trust Christ and live!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the last days many will come to impersonate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We agree that Quiboloy is one of them. Let us help one another to save the members of Quiboloy from certain condemnation. Godspeed on your new site! -- Maranatha_2000