Monday, March 3, 2008

Insane, Deceived, or Deceiver?

One cannot avoid being shocked by the outrageous claims of self-appointed son of god Apollo C. Quiboloy in his website, radio and television stations. What is more shocking though is that MANY BLINDLY BELIEVE IN HIM! Among other things he claims to be the "appointed Son of God," "the residence of God on earth," "the savior in the Gentile setting."

These claims are nothing short of blasphemy! Quiboloy has fulfilled the end-time prophecy of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 24: "in the last days many will come claiming they are the Christ." Quiboloy is not only claiming to be the son of God, he is claiming to be greater than Jesus Christ! Jesus, according to Quiboloy, is the savior only of the Jews (about 10-15 million people worldwide), while Quiboloy himself is the Savior of the Gentiles (about 6.5 billion people worldwide!) . SUCH AUDACITY! SUCH FOOLISHNESS! Who does he think he is? Imagine, he claims that the work of Jesus Christ was NOT FINISHED and that it is only now finished in him?! Can you believe that?

The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ FINISHED the work of salvation on the Cross (John 19:30). The curtain of the temple has been torn! (Matthew 27:51) God was pleased with the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ! That's the reason why Jesus rose from the dead on the third day (I doubt if Quiboloy can do that!). If you are a follower of Quiboloy WAKE UP! You are following a FALSE PROPHET who will only lead you to destruction. DO NOT BE AFRAID! He is not what you think he is! Only JESUS is the Way to the Father!

All you need to do is study your Bible and see that Quiboloy is a LIAR! Jesus Christ is all you need for salvation -- no one else! (John 3:16; John 14:6) DO NOT BE AFRAID OF QUIBOLOY -- he is nothing but a man just like everyone else. Quiboloy was born a sinner of sinful parents who needed Jesus Christ to save him. How can a man who needs a savior save others? WAKE UP! Flee the "movement" of Quiboloy! Stand on the Truth of the Bible. Do not be blinded by the wealth of Quiboloy.

If quiboloy is not insane, we have only two alternatives left: he is deceived or he is a deceiver. In either case he will bring your soul to damnation. Flee his false church! Flee his false teachings! JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY Savior both for the JEWS AND THE GENTILES. Read your Bible! Do not depend on ONE MAN to tell you the Truth! Be like the Bereans who checked the Bible to see whether what Paul was teaching was true or not. (Read Acts 17:11 and following)

I cannot help but be angry! Angry because fellow Christians are being deceived. They went out from the Catholic Church only to fall prey to a more heinous religious group. It is a case of jumping out of the pot into the fire! We have here in our city, for example, poor young men and women selling rice cakes because they want to support the work of Quiboloy. The sad thing is that these young people cannot see that they are just being used by someone who is not who he claims to be. Get out of the false church of Quiboloy! Do not be afraid of a false prophet! If Quiboloy will not repent of this blasphemy he will surely be judged by the Lord!

Members of Quiboloy criticize the pope as the antichrist, but they are serving and following someone who claims to be higher than the pope! Open your eyes to the Truth! Quiboloy is a false prophet! We are not afraid to say this because we have the WHOLE BIBLE backing up what we say! Jesus has not arrived in Quiboloy! Quiboloy does not have a MONOPOLY on God. The Bible says Christians are (plural) the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT, the RESIDENCE of GOD! We are equally children of God because we are equally saved. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE OTHER in the sight of God. We are saved by ONE SAVIOR, who died on ONE CROSS, who went back to ONE HEAVEN.

Stop following a delusion! Flee Quiboloy's false church! Follow Christ!

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