Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Haven't you noticed? Quiboloy is an egomaniac! He is obsessed with himself. He praises himself (even though the Bible clearly says that let other people praise you and not yourself -- see: Proverbs 27:2), he declares himself as the appointed son of god, the heir of all things, the residence of God on earth, etc., etc.

The first one to testify that Jesus was God's beloved Son was not Jesus Himself but those who heard it for themselves (see: Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; Luke 9:35, etc.). This is the direct opposite with Quiboloy who loves to proclaim himself to be this or that. Quiboloy loves to talk about himself (always with a smirk on his face). And the people who follow him just nod their heads, clap their hands, and shout. If you are one of them, think! Be honest with yourself! Are you following Quiboloy because he tells the truth or are you following because of something else? What does it profit a man who gains the whole world yet loses his soul? (Matthew 16:26) Your soul is precious my friend. It is more precious than the whole world actually. Stop deceving yourself into believing that Quiboloy can save you -- HE CANNOT!

Quiboloy always says "I, me, mine, myself." He is an egomaniac if you ask me. He is obsessed with himself. Jesus is only a footnote where Quiboloy is concerned. Quiboloy has become the great "I Am!" There is only ONE OTHER PERSON in the Bible who likes to speak of himself -- Lucifer. He said in Isaiah: "I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God, I will sit enthroned on the mount of the assembly... I will sit above the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 7:13-14)

I assure you QUIBOLOY CANNOT SAVE YOU! Only JESUS CHRIST can! Trust in Jesus! You cannot trust in both Jesus and Quiboloy! You have to choose one Savior to trust! Jesus is the ONLY SON of God. That makes Quiboloy nothing but an ILLEGITIMATE SON OF GOD!

Do not follow him! Save yourself and your family from the trap of the devil!

Seek the Truth and the Truth will set YOU free!

Read your Bible and exposed the deception of Quiboloy! Do not be afraid! Many are now coming out of the false church of Quiboloy! The are coming out and regaining their freedom in Christ! Come out! Come out now! Do not waver. Do not hesitate. Coming out of Quiboloy is the right thing.

I call on all of Quiboloy's followers: FORSAKE YOUR FALSE CHURCH AND YOUR FALSE MESSIAH! Embrace JESUS CHRIST, the One and Only True Savior of the World!

Come out! Come out from the Darkness into the Marvelous Light of God!

Do not delay!

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