Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Goose Bumps

Quiboloy gives me goose bumps. I heard Quiboloy say on TV on one ocassion that those who search the Scriptures are antichrists because, according to him, those who would ask the Father about anything should ask the son (meaning himself)! He also intimated that we no longer need the Bible since he (Quiboloy) is already here! Who does he think he is?

His website also give me the bumps. The URL is kingdomofjesuschrist but it's all about Quiboloy! He posted there many other claims such as (1) he is the "appointed son," God's "residence on earth," (2) that he was given "kingship," (3) that the work of the Father has been "completed in the son" (Quiboloy), (4) that Davao City is the "New Jerusalem," the "Water Center" of the world, and other sci-fi claims.

It is no wonder that the Bible is a closed book for his followers. If they only open and study the Bible, they would discover that their leader is a con artist, a deceiver, a wolf in sheep's clothing. But Filipinos have been trained (by Roman Catholicism) never to question religious leaders but to trust them unconditionally (no matter what). Filipinos like to depend on others even for their own salvation. In the past they relied on the priest to tell them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When they discovered later that the priests were not actually telling them the truth, they went out of Roman Catholicism and joined other denominational churches. Many went to Quiboloy. Now they rely on Quiboloy to tell them the truth. These poor people trust in a man who is just playing with their souls and their eternity.

Why do I have the boldness to say what I say here? It's because I know what I am talking about -- I read my Bible! My Bible tells me that there is NO OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN TO MEN BY WHICH HE CAN BE SAVED -- it's only the Name of JESUS CHRIST! (Acts 4:12) Jesus is the ONLY Savior, the ONLY Son of God, the ONLY Mediator, the ONLY Lord, the ONLY Truth, the ONLY Way, the ONLY Life!

If you are a follower of Quiboloy, I CHALLENGE YOU! Read your Bible and see for yourself that I am telling the Truth and Quiboloy is telling falsehood! Get out of Quiboloy's organization! Get out NOW! Save yourself! Quiboloy is not who he says he is! Save yourself and your family! Get out of Quiboloy's false church! Get out now!

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