Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Haven't you noticed? Quiboloy is an egomaniac! He is obsessed with himself. He praises himself (even though the Bible clearly says that let other people praise you and not yourself -- see: Proverbs 27:2), he declares himself as the appointed son of god, the heir of all things, the residence of God on earth, etc., etc.

The first one to testify that Jesus was God's beloved Son was not Jesus Himself but those who heard it for themselves (see: Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; Luke 9:35, etc.). This is the direct opposite with Quiboloy who loves to proclaim himself to be this or that. Quiboloy loves to talk about himself (always with a smirk on his face). And the people who follow him just nod their heads, clap their hands, and shout. If you are one of them, think! Be honest with yourself! Are you following Quiboloy because he tells the truth or are you following because of something else? What does it profit a man who gains the whole world yet loses his soul? (Matthew 16:26) Your soul is precious my friend. It is more precious than the whole world actually. Stop deceving yourself into believing that Quiboloy can save you -- HE CANNOT!

Quiboloy always says "I, me, mine, myself." He is an egomaniac if you ask me. He is obsessed with himself. Jesus is only a footnote where Quiboloy is concerned. Quiboloy has become the great "I Am!" There is only ONE OTHER PERSON in the Bible who likes to speak of himself -- Lucifer. He said in Isaiah: "I will ascend to heaven, I will raise my throne above the stars of God, I will sit enthroned on the mount of the assembly... I will sit above the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 7:13-14)

I assure you QUIBOLOY CANNOT SAVE YOU! Only JESUS CHRIST can! Trust in Jesus! You cannot trust in both Jesus and Quiboloy! You have to choose one Savior to trust! Jesus is the ONLY SON of God. That makes Quiboloy nothing but an ILLEGITIMATE SON OF GOD!

Do not follow him! Save yourself and your family from the trap of the devil!

Seek the Truth and the Truth will set YOU free!

Read your Bible and exposed the deception of Quiboloy! Do not be afraid! Many are now coming out of the false church of Quiboloy! The are coming out and regaining their freedom in Christ! Come out! Come out now! Do not waver. Do not hesitate. Coming out of Quiboloy is the right thing.

I call on all of Quiboloy's followers: FORSAKE YOUR FALSE CHURCH AND YOUR FALSE MESSIAH! Embrace JESUS CHRIST, the One and Only True Savior of the World!

Come out! Come out from the Darkness into the Marvelous Light of God!

Do not delay!

Goose Bumps

Quiboloy gives me goose bumps. I heard Quiboloy say on TV on one ocassion that those who search the Scriptures are antichrists because, according to him, those who would ask the Father about anything should ask the son (meaning himself)! He also intimated that we no longer need the Bible since he (Quiboloy) is already here! Who does he think he is?

His website also give me the bumps. The URL is kingdomofjesuschrist but it's all about Quiboloy! He posted there many other claims such as (1) he is the "appointed son," God's "residence on earth," (2) that he was given "kingship," (3) that the work of the Father has been "completed in the son" (Quiboloy), (4) that Davao City is the "New Jerusalem," the "Water Center" of the world, and other sci-fi claims.

It is no wonder that the Bible is a closed book for his followers. If they only open and study the Bible, they would discover that their leader is a con artist, a deceiver, a wolf in sheep's clothing. But Filipinos have been trained (by Roman Catholicism) never to question religious leaders but to trust them unconditionally (no matter what). Filipinos like to depend on others even for their own salvation. In the past they relied on the priest to tell them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When they discovered later that the priests were not actually telling them the truth, they went out of Roman Catholicism and joined other denominational churches. Many went to Quiboloy. Now they rely on Quiboloy to tell them the truth. These poor people trust in a man who is just playing with their souls and their eternity.

Why do I have the boldness to say what I say here? It's because I know what I am talking about -- I read my Bible! My Bible tells me that there is NO OTHER NAME UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN TO MEN BY WHICH HE CAN BE SAVED -- it's only the Name of JESUS CHRIST! (Acts 4:12) Jesus is the ONLY Savior, the ONLY Son of God, the ONLY Mediator, the ONLY Lord, the ONLY Truth, the ONLY Way, the ONLY Life!

If you are a follower of Quiboloy, I CHALLENGE YOU! Read your Bible and see for yourself that I am telling the Truth and Quiboloy is telling falsehood! Get out of Quiboloy's organization! Get out NOW! Save yourself! Quiboloy is not who he says he is! Save yourself and your family! Get out of Quiboloy's false church! Get out now!

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Jerusalem or Just Renovated Davao City?

Quiboloy asserts that Davao City (in the Philippines) is the New Jerusalem. Well, for those who do not read the Bible this might sound okay. However, for those who do these claims are fantastic. In fact, it sounds more like science fiction than theological reality.

In the Book of Revelation it says that the "New Jerusalem" will come down from heaven. I'm sure Davao has been in Mindanao a long time. Some good people have restored peace and order there. It has become one of the cleanest cities in the Philippines. They have a good mayor there. Duterte is his name. But with all these improvements, Davao City cannot and never will become the New Jerusalem. Quiboloy's delusion knows no bounds. And those who follow him are deluded into believing one man's day dreams.

Can you afford to gamble your soul, your eternal destiny on a man's fancy? I know I won't and I hope you won't either!

My friend, do everything you can to flee Quiboloy before your life and eternity are destroyed. Get out of Quiboloy's false church before it is too late!

Jesus Christ and Apollo C. Quiboloy

Although there is NO COMPARISON between the Lord and Quiboloy, I put this comparison forward to show that Quiboloy is nothing but a counterfeiter, a charlatan and a con artist.

1. Jesus Christ is the ONLY SON of God. Quiboloy is an ILLEGITIMATE SON OF GOD.

2. Jesus Christ is God (John 1:1-3,14, Philippians 2:6-8). Since there is only ONE GOD it follows that Quiboloy is just a creation of God.

3. Jesus Christ is SINLESS. Quiboloy is sinful (Romans 3:10,11, 23).

4. Jesus Christ DID NOT NEED A SAVIOR -- he is the Savior! Quiboloy needs a savior -- he cannot be a savior.

5. There is only ONE MEDIATOR between God and men -- Christ Jesus. Quiboloy CANNOT MEDIATE BETWEEN GOD AND MAN. Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God.

6. Only ONE DIED ON THE CROSS to purchase our salvation. What has Quiboloy done to save the Gentiles?

7. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). Jesus shed his blood for the sins of the world that's why he is called "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." I wonder when will Quiboloy shed his blood.

8. All of Jesus' prophecies are fulfilled. Many of Quiboloy's predictions did not come to pass.

9. Jesus Christ never got sick. Quiboloy gets sick.

10. Jesus raised the dead. Quiboloy wished he could raise the dead.

11. Jesus walked on water. Quiboloy hope he could.

12. Jesus multiplied bread to feed four and five thousand. Quiboloy buys food.

13. Jesus healed all the sick. Quiboloy is yet to show a real healing in his ministry. Oh yes, he claims a lot but shows none.

14. Jesus hang on the cross. Where is Quiboloy hanging?

15. Jesus died and rose from the dead. I am waiting for Quiboloy to die and resurrect from the dead.

16. It was the Father who declared Jesus as His Son. (Matthew 3:17) Quiboloy declared himself as the son.

17. There were more than 300 prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the coming of Christ. There is none concerning Quiboloy. No matter how he twists Scriptures he cannot apply them to himself. Why? Because the Scripture DOES NOT TALK ABOUT QUIBOLOY -- it talks about Jesus and Jesus alone! (John 5:39)

18. Jesus Christ is the LAST ADAM. Last means last. The first Adam failed that is why everyone (including Quiboloy) is a sinner. The Second Adam succeeded that is why we can be saved and reconciled to God. Where does that put Quiboloy?

19. Everyone who trusts in Jesus will never be put to shame. Everyone who trusts in Quiboloy should be ashamed!

20. Everyone will face the judgment seat of Christ -- including poor Quiboloy.

It was the Lord Jesus himself who said to beware of false prophets for they are wolves in sheep's clothing! (Matthew 7:15)
Trust Christ and live!

Only the Blind will Follow the Blind

It is amazing (or should I say unfortunate?) that many sensible Filipinos are following someone of the likes of Quiboloy. Listen to what Jesus said to His disciples almost two thousand years ago:

"For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many." (Matthew 24:5)

Don't you think this warning obviously fits Quiboloy? Don't you think that Quiboloy fits the description? Prophecies MUST be fulfilled (because the Lord never makes any mistakes), yes, but YOU DON'T HAVE TO FULFILL THEM! Flee Quiboloy's false church! Save yourself! Come out from among them!

Waste no time! Bring as many people out as you can!

Open your eyes!

Seek the Truth and the Truth will set you free (John 8:32).

Do not be impressed with the money, the beautiful buildings, the pomp, the political power, the popularity.

Be concerned of your eternal destiny!

Flee now!

Do not fear man, but fear God.

Do it now!

Write me:

Ten Reasons Why Apollo C. Quiboloy Is Not A Savior And Cannot Save

Quiboloy claims to be a savior and he demands people to believe in him, but here are ten reasons why Quiboloy cannot save:

  1. Jesus Christ died for the whole world (including the Philippines and Filipinos). Jesus died ONCE for ALL. There is no one left for Quiboloy to save! (John 1:29)
  2. The Savior must be from a Jewish background (that's the reason why Matthew and Luke included the genealogy of Jesus in their Gospels). Quiboloy does not have any Jewish background.
  3. The Savior must be without sin to save sinners. Definitely Quiboloy is a sinner. That's why he accepted Jesus Christ as his savior many years ago.
  4. Jesus is the LAST ADAM. (1 Corinthians 15:45) Where does that place Quiboloy? Second Last Adam? I don't think so.
  5. Jesus finished his work on the Cross. That's the Good News the apostles and disciples preached throughout the world!
  6. Jesus is the Savior both for the Jews and the Gentiles. In the first century there were MORE Gentile believers than Jewish believers. Quiboloy's claim to be the savior in the Gentile setting is nothing but a delusion of grandeur. It has no basis in fact.
  7. Jesus saved us through the cleansing power of His Blood. (Hebrews 9:22; Ephesians 2:13) Can Quiboloy do the same? Quiboloy's blood cannot save anyone; it cannot even save himself.
  8. God the Father sent only ONE AND ONLY Son Jesus Christ to save the world. (John 1:14; John 3:16; John 3:18; 1 John 4:9). If Jesus is God's ONE AND ONLY Son, that makes Quiboloy an illegitimate son. Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY to God, the ONLY NAME for salvation, the ONLY TRUTH, the ONLY LIFE.
  9. We are saved by only ONE GOSPEL, the Gospel preached by the apostles. The gospel that Quiboloy is preaching is ANOTHER GOSPEL. It cannot save. Paul said, Quiboloy will be eternally condemned! Read Galatians 1:6-9!
  10. Jesus Christ is able to save completely everyone who comes to the Father through him (Hebrews 7:25). Jesus is ENOUGH -- you don't need another savior. You don't need the Blessed Virgin Mary, you don't need a Saint, and you DEFINITELY DO NOT NEED QUIBOLOY!
I can add more to this list if you wish, but I believe that for a man or woman of understanding these reasons are enough.


Carpe Diem!

Insane, Deceived, or Deceiver?

One cannot avoid being shocked by the outrageous claims of self-appointed son of god Apollo C. Quiboloy in his website, radio and television stations. What is more shocking though is that MANY BLINDLY BELIEVE IN HIM! Among other things he claims to be the "appointed Son of God," "the residence of God on earth," "the savior in the Gentile setting."

These claims are nothing short of blasphemy! Quiboloy has fulfilled the end-time prophecy of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 24: "in the last days many will come claiming they are the Christ." Quiboloy is not only claiming to be the son of God, he is claiming to be greater than Jesus Christ! Jesus, according to Quiboloy, is the savior only of the Jews (about 10-15 million people worldwide), while Quiboloy himself is the Savior of the Gentiles (about 6.5 billion people worldwide!) . SUCH AUDACITY! SUCH FOOLISHNESS! Who does he think he is? Imagine, he claims that the work of Jesus Christ was NOT FINISHED and that it is only now finished in him?! Can you believe that?

The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ FINISHED the work of salvation on the Cross (John 19:30). The curtain of the temple has been torn! (Matthew 27:51) God was pleased with the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ! That's the reason why Jesus rose from the dead on the third day (I doubt if Quiboloy can do that!). If you are a follower of Quiboloy WAKE UP! You are following a FALSE PROPHET who will only lead you to destruction. DO NOT BE AFRAID! He is not what you think he is! Only JESUS is the Way to the Father!

All you need to do is study your Bible and see that Quiboloy is a LIAR! Jesus Christ is all you need for salvation -- no one else! (John 3:16; John 14:6) DO NOT BE AFRAID OF QUIBOLOY -- he is nothing but a man just like everyone else. Quiboloy was born a sinner of sinful parents who needed Jesus Christ to save him. How can a man who needs a savior save others? WAKE UP! Flee the "movement" of Quiboloy! Stand on the Truth of the Bible. Do not be blinded by the wealth of Quiboloy.

If quiboloy is not insane, we have only two alternatives left: he is deceived or he is a deceiver. In either case he will bring your soul to damnation. Flee his false church! Flee his false teachings! JESUS CHRIST is the ONLY Savior both for the JEWS AND THE GENTILES. Read your Bible! Do not depend on ONE MAN to tell you the Truth! Be like the Bereans who checked the Bible to see whether what Paul was teaching was true or not. (Read Acts 17:11 and following)

I cannot help but be angry! Angry because fellow Christians are being deceived. They went out from the Catholic Church only to fall prey to a more heinous religious group. It is a case of jumping out of the pot into the fire! We have here in our city, for example, poor young men and women selling rice cakes because they want to support the work of Quiboloy. The sad thing is that these young people cannot see that they are just being used by someone who is not who he claims to be. Get out of the false church of Quiboloy! Do not be afraid of a false prophet! If Quiboloy will not repent of this blasphemy he will surely be judged by the Lord!

Members of Quiboloy criticize the pope as the antichrist, but they are serving and following someone who claims to be higher than the pope! Open your eyes to the Truth! Quiboloy is a false prophet! We are not afraid to say this because we have the WHOLE BIBLE backing up what we say! Jesus has not arrived in Quiboloy! Quiboloy does not have a MONOPOLY on God. The Bible says Christians are (plural) the TEMPLE of the HOLY SPIRIT, the RESIDENCE of GOD! We are equally children of God because we are equally saved. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE OTHER in the sight of God. We are saved by ONE SAVIOR, who died on ONE CROSS, who went back to ONE HEAVEN.

Stop following a delusion! Flee Quiboloy's false church! Follow Christ!