Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Crazy, Deceived, Deceiver, or Savior?

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The Claims of Apollo Quiboloy are amazing. here are a few:

1. I am the appointed son of god.
2. I and the father are one.
3. I am the way, the truth and the life.
4. I am the completion of the saving work of the father.
5. I am the house of Jesus Christ.
6. The rapture has already taken place in him (Quiboloy).
7. Unless you believe in me you can never be saved. Etc., etc.
8. The church age is already finished and now is the age of the kingdom. Rituals cannot help you anymore. All you have to do is to listen to me because I am the way....

The church leaders of Quiboloy are now ending their prayers "in the name of the appointed son of god, pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy" instead of the usual "In Jesus' name." They are no longer studying the Bible because they have the "word of god" in their midst (referring to Quiboloy).

One cannot help but think, "Is he for real?" "Does he really know what he's talking about?" "What is he really up to?"

There are only FOUR conclusions we can reach concerning Quiboloy.

First, he could be a madman with an intense case of delusions of grandeur. His claims seem to point in this direction. Not all madmen are in mental institutions. Some are leaders of a great number of people. Hitler, for example, was truly a madman.

Second, Quiboloy could be deceived. Something or someone made him think that he is what he is actually not. Quiboloy started just like any evangelical Christian. Something might have happened that caused him to become what he has become today.

Thirdly, Quiboloy could be a deceiver. A deceiver knows that his claims are not true, but he makes them anyway. The end goal is three-fold: power, popularity, and money.

Fourthly, Quiboloy could be the savior. This is highly unlikely. Jesus Christ alone can save. Jesus Christ alone has offered the perfect sacrifice. Jesus Christ alone has resurrected from the dead. Jesus Christ alone is sitting at the right hand of the Father. Quiboloy could not be a savior.

There are only three possible conclusions concerning Quiboloy: Crazy (Lunatic), Deceived or Deceiver. It's up to you to decide. For me, Quiboloy has a little of these three!

I pity his followers. They are deceived. They are believing a lie. If you are one of them, please THINK. How can Quiboloy save you? Because he said so? There must be a better reason than that! Has he shed his blood for you? Did he resurrect from the dead? THINK! Do not be bound by the power of false teaching! Flee Quiboloy's false church! Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today! God save you!
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